
New procedures at the coffee shop where my daughter works has them asking customers for their names.

Not unusual in America but considered very ‘forward’ in England.

“Why do you need my name?  Just call out the coffee’s name like you did the last time.”

Or they’ll give their surname, very public school-esque of them.

For my daughter they acquiesce.

She gets away with a lot, rather like I do when I’m in America.

The young boys flirt, thinking they’re so cool.

They give over their names readily and check her name tag.

“Where abouts in America are you from?”  they ask.

“Take a guess,” she replies as she steams their milk and measures the shots.


‘Are you kidding me?’ She asks herself as she pours the hot milk on their cappuccinos.

“No, try again, y’all!” throwing out another clue.

They study her, grinning, all bravado and cheek.

“New York?” they suggest.

“Wrong again…sorry!”  She smiles and passes over their Venti’s.

“Why won’t you tell us, we got America right didn’t we?” They flash their eyes confidently.

‘Duh,’ she thinks, ‘the accent’s a dead giveaway!’

“Bye Ted, bye Andy!  Good afternoon! Welcome to Starbucks.  What can I get you this afternoon?”

She turns to grab a cup,

“May I have your name please?”  she asks, pen poised.

“Is that your name or where you’re from?” the customer asks, stalling.

She grins and catches the boys’ eyes as they turn back from the door!


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