A Wisdom Distilled…

We all yearn for the old times.  I’m not just talking about those days when the children were sleeping safely under my roof and weren’t yet old enough to answer back!

I’m talking about ‘way back’ even before I was a twinkle in my father’s eye!

Old T.V. shows like, “Leave it to Beaver”, has many of us hankering for those tranquil 50’s.

Everything about that era, the cars, the pearls, the shoes and the fact that mothers stayed home and jobs were for life, is appealing!

But regardless of whether the 50’s were the best time to live or not the reason I yearn for those olden days is because life seemed simpler.

And life was simpler for me, after all,  I was a child floating through life on a bed of roses, or Indian blanket, without a care in the world.


Indian Blanket, wild flowers in my meadows

I’m sure my grandparents and parents had their fair share of worry.

I wish they were here to recount their stories with me, to be a sounding board, to compare notes.

I wish they were my contemporaries if that makes sense?

I wish I could ask them what bothered them most about the world they were living in?

The world I imagine to have been a better place.

I wish they were still alive and my age now!

How wonderful would it be to be able to compare notes with my grandmothers as their nests emptied and they re-discovered themselves as couples with grown children?


How interesting would it be to mull over the logistics of raising me in a post war world compared to the electronic age I’ve brought my children up in?

How would that mixing pot of all my relatives, somehow transformed into my peers, look?


Wisdom distilled!

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2016-06-16 23:35:46 Reply

So very true. Wouldn’t it be nice!

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