/ June 26, 2024 0 COMMENTS
We are studying Revelation at church, been at it for almost a year now, and I have ...
Nature at Her Very Best Too…
Nature at Her Very Best Too…
/ August 25, 2020 0 COMMENTS
At the end of July it had begun to get hotter and my flowers were beginning to wilt expecting me to water them a couple of times a week. Tomatoes and squash were still giving in their ...
Lost and Found…
Lost and Found…
/ August 19, 2020 0 COMMENTS
Luke’s gospel is being read at church and recently we’ve listened to the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep (Luke 15: 1-10) and the lost son, better known as The ...
Shads’ Derring-Doo…
Shads’ Derring-Doo…
/ July 31, 2020 0 COMMENTS
This cat is a piece of work. I call him a dog when he pulls one of his pranks…just to insult him…but since he growls at strange vehicles pulling into our circular driveway ...
Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks…
Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks…
/ June 23, 2020 0 COMMENTS
On reading these verses, written by St. Paul, I am struck by the sense that they were written specifically for today.  That’s one of the most amazing features of the Bible, its ...
Sunset in the East…
Sunset in the East…
/ May 22, 2020 0 COMMENTS
Footlights faces West. In the summer I’ll see an orangecrush-float sky foaming over the barn and the back fairway first thing in the morning, and a blushing pink candy floss ...
/ May 15, 2020 0 COMMENTS
A harbour is a shelter for boats and ships to anchor, for safe-keeping, or for when there’s a storm. God is my shelter during the pandemic; In these tempestuous times… ...
Easter Alleluia’s…
Easter Alleluia’s…
/ April 13, 2020 0 COMMENTS
The stone has been rolled away and the tomb is empty! Alleluia! For we Christians that means Jesus was who He said He was and had finished what He was sent to do on earth. Alleluia! Our ...
Praise & Worship-at-home…
Praise & Worship-at-home…
/ April 6, 2020 0 COMMENTS
Trying to praise and worship the Lord at home is difficult. Traditional church used to make it so easy for me! I’d trot off to mass on Sundays and Holy Days and all at once ...
Easter Sunday Communion…
Easter Sunday Communion…
/ April 5, 2020 0 COMMENTS
We were going to be able to pick up Easter Sunday Communion. I’d signed up for it and was uplifted. We were going to pick up our package on Easter morning and follow the rubrics ...
Spring at Footlights…
Spring at Footlights…
/ March 27, 2020 0 COMMENTS
It’s been wet since February!  I’m sure there have only been a handful of days when the sun’s either come out or it’s been cloudy, dry and windy. Along with the ...