
When the GPS on my phone gave me the direction,

“In 12 miles turn right on Sears…”  I suspected something was amiss.

We had already travelled 20 miles back to La Belle from a town that was only 18 miles away to start with!

Once I turned on Sears I heard,

“In 6 miles turn right…”  My stomach sank when I looked down at my phone…no street name, just ‘in 6 miles turn right’.

I looked around at the wilderness around me and knew Cyril, my digital navigator, had lost his mind!

But I continued in faith hoping that the satellite Cyril was relying on could see something I couldn’t from where I was driving.

“In one quarter of a mile turn right…” he said.  I looked around, there was no road, just an expansive field that faded into the horizon.


I carried on slowly ignoring his continuous demands,

“Turn right….” his English accent barked impatiently at me.  My screen showed the GPS re-routing and Cyril told me to make a U-turn.

As I turned around my iPhone died.

Hubs was bemused, Paris took over with her Google maps and we set off along the dirt road in the opposite direction fully embracing the nightmare of backwoods and subconsciously humming Dueling Banjos.


Thankfully, in the dusty distance, a truck shimmered in the heat haze towards us.

I slowed, he slowed, I opened my window, he opened his window, he looked at us, I looked at him and said,

“Yes!  We’re lost!”

“Looking for the Bass Pro Shop?” he asked.

Later, after following his instructions back to civilization, we were sipping our hot chocolate.

“Looking for the Bass Pro Shop?” Paris said and we all laughed at the randomness of the question, grateful to be safely home!

BTW, download Google Maps, the one that comes with the iPhone loses its marbles under pressure.



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