My Dawn Chorus…


This morning I was wide awake at 420am and decided the time was right to get a recording of the dawn chorus, which may sound the same in America but I would know otherwise.

I slipped out of bed, unplugged my iPod and quietly opened the patio door not wanting to interrupt the birdsong.

I set my recorder down on the patio table and listened for a moment or two.  All was quiet.  Not what I wanted to hear!  Where were they?

I decided to make myself a cup of tea and leave the outdoor auditorium.

I returned with my steaming cup and blanket, it is still chilly in the mornings even though we’re in July, and cocked my ear.

A few bird calls from the thickets to my East, this morning my garden is empty, the territorialists must be birding the outer reaches of their districts.

From behind I heard the gentle snuffling of hubs, the bedroom window was open.

To my south the strains of men singing loud and tonelessly on their merry way home from a night out.

Overhead the engines of early morning Easy Jets making their deafening way to sunny shores.

Not quite the dawn chorus I had in mind when I sidled out of bed.

I retrieved my iPod and tea and went back to bed.

My recording would have to wait for another dawn.


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