Ready Sealed Envelopes…

The dark nights have me cleaning out closets.

Not that there’s much to clean out, I’ve been quite good at maintaining empty drawers and keeping the few items of clothing I brought with me, off the floor of the fitted wardrobes.

The main place I had to look out for was the top drawer of my dresser, which became a one drawer filing cabinet for papers I didn’t quite know what to do with…yet.  Condolences from the funeral home, a price list from the crematorium, a reminder about my mother’s eye exam, a notice about window cleaning, a turn down for a job, a packet of ready sealed envelopes…that sort of thing!

Ready sealed envelopes?

Yes, those were in my desk drawer, which used to be my father’s desk drawer and full of all kinds of gadgets for the home office that I would keep, rubber bands, paperclips, a bone handled letter opener, a propelling pencil, and a packet of envelopes we’d both been hanging on to for some reason.

Most of them were useless, having succumbed to the dampness of Broadstairs years ago, but a few were still functional, yes I’d been through them with Malia when she was still living at home.

But the dark nights had me throwing them all away, attractive and functional as they looked,

“Who would buy already sealed, empty envelopes?” she had asked when I handed her one for a letter to her boyfriend.

Who indeed?!

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