Turkey Creek, Florida…

My first reaction to being back in Turkey Creek was,


The easy reason is, Hubs and I had made a promise to watch our friends’ house again this year, while they went back to England for a wedding and a good old fashioned European Tour, and we couldn’t let Blake and Skye down!


The difficult reason is we are exhausted from our move to Footlights and need the rest, but slowing down just isn’t us!

Daughts said,

“It’s only two months and then you’ll be here for the rest of your life,”  what a stabilizing thought.

We both feel as though we have so much to do at home.

“It can wait!”  We reassure one another.

We have an established routine from our four month hiatus last year.  In theory I should have been able to drop in as I do on my yoga mat each morning.

But after running solid for 2 months I’ve found that slamming on the brakes has shattered my mainframe and I am a bundle of nerves.

The familiar pastoral landscape,



is not giving me the ‘wow!’ of last year.

The unexpected sight of horses grazing among palm trees,


is humdrum.

The night flowering cactus,


has been there before.

My inner self knows it will take time to settle, to relax and resume writing again, that two months will flash by like a torrent of flood water racing to find its level and I’ll leave without accomplishing anything if I don’t apply discipline.

All week I’ve sat at my desk, pulled up a new chapter to edit each day and done my best.

Slowly, slowly, I’m embracing this gift of peace and quiet, with nothing else to do but nap and read and walk the dogs.

At Footlights there were too many distractions to settle down to editing.

Here God’s beautiful landscape, the ebb and flow of the weather, the absolute trust of faithful hounds and living in someone else’s house have worked their magic and I can write once more.

I can breathe a deep Amen and begin again.

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