Ultimate Reset…

My film maker son decided to go on an Ultimate Reset diet, which in essence rids your body of toxins and gets it all clean and dandy to start afresh.

It came with a cook book and recipes for every meal for the 21 day programme and a caution to expect to spend 60-90 minutes in the kitchen each day not to mention time at the grocery store buying all the good foodstuffs.

From what I gathered this is one of those diets that is not primarily for weight loss, although our son lost some poundage, it is more about how to train your body to use the food you eat more efficiently…

…that is as long as you’re not eating a load of junk or the highly processed, deliciously tasty snacks that one reaches for when the pit of one’s stomach starts grumbling.

It is a rigorous course requiring three prepared meals a day for 21 days and I think my son was happy he works full time conveniently close to his home kitchen…

As well as a cook book and a DVD the diet included all the supplements.

Distilled water was the sole beverage to which he added the supplied minerals and salts to keep his muscles healthy and his body hydrated.

I warned of a caffeine headache…  I got a glorious one when I gave up drinking tea and coffee several years ago that laid me up for a few days, moaning and groaning in bed, while my body dealt with its craving for caffeine, which I ignored.

After ten long days I was back to my old self without the morning jolt to wake me up and vowed I would never again subject my body to an addiction of any kind.

Of course that didn’t last more than three years when studies showed that caffeine, in moderation (as with most things) can be good for you!

He sent us photos of the meals he was eating,


“Haha, breakfast,” he texted.

To which I replied,


“Lol, lunch!”

We are three hours ahead of him in Florida!

When we spoke to him he would tell us of all the different foods he was eating, like kale and roasted root vegetables, cucumber and quinoa, steel cut oatmeal with blueberries, organic eggs and spinach, pine nuts, miso, moroccan seasonings, toasted millet, humus and tempeh (to name but a few!)

These may be new foods to him.

Hubs and I went,


But, as our son is quick to remind us, as well as the food choices you make it’s the way you eat.

Three meals a day, with no snacks!

No gum.

You can’t risk stimulating the digestive system with a titchy snack or empty chiclets that has your body falsely expecting a decent meal and stock piling the nutrients for the future messing up your metabolism.

Now he has finished and last night he sent us a picture of his cold salmon meal, for three,


and I sent him our rib dinner with roasted veggies and salad,


with a mango salsa from freshly plucked fruit in the neighbourhood.

Hubs and I have always been conscious about what we eat and we passed the habit of a well balanced diet down to our children.  After a few years of independent living they are all returning to their foundation and choosing to eat healthier foods and where possible to grow their own vegetables.

Nothing beats a fresh avocado gathered from a tree during my bike ride,


or a fist full of bananas machete’d from the tree in the front garden!


And bravo for a diet that encourages its participants to change the way they eat instead of substituting meals for shakes!


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