White Pelicans at Hideaway…

I was walking…

A lady stopped me and said,

“Have you seen the pelicans?”

“No, where?” I replied.

She pointed to the other side of the lake I was walking around.  I’m afraid I could see nothing.

“There, against the shore, all those huge, white, birds!”

And yes, there they were, but so far away.


“I must have walked right past them on the other side,” I remarked.

“You wouldn’t have seen them…” she said. “They’ve been here three days.  We are so fortunate to have them.”

The following day I kept an eye open on the other side of the lake as I walked and it was only then that I realized the land I had presumed was the bank on the other side of the lake was in fact an island.

The pelicans were settling in for their nesting season.

Today they were not all clumped together, becoming accustomed to their surroundings they were venturing out a little and I startled some who were quite close to shore when I stealthily, but not stealthily enough, crept towards them, iPhone at the ready.


Perhaps I’ll have my friend, who came for lunch that week, send me some better pictures.


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