Baby Goats…
Baby Goats…
/ July 27, 2021 0 COMMENTS

At the end of a busy day at the winery my favourite place to go is up to the barn to see the baby goats. There they were all huddled against the indoor pen stretching their necks to get to the hay, that to their minds appeared ‘greener’,  on the other side. For goodness sake,…

Crowns and Post…
Crowns and Post…
/ July 21, 2021 0 COMMENTS

For the last couple of years I’ve been tolerating hot/cold sensations in two of my upper molars, “A couple of small cracks,” my dentist said, “I’ll re-fill those for you…just tell me when.” I mean, who voluntarily goes to a dentist to fix something that Sensodyne toothpaste manages quite well? “You can leave them,” he…

A Meditation on Twinkle-Let-Toe’s Birthday…
A Meditation on Twinkle-Let-Toe’s Birthday…
/ July 14, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Our landline back in the day would announce the caller, at least the ones we had programmed into the menu. I typed in Twinkletoes for our oldest daughter, a nickname from her very early days as the first girl child after two boys. The automated caller I.D. would pronounce the names phonetically and the house…

A Sophie Sparrow Day…
A Sophie Sparrow Day…
/ July 9, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Spending time with my toddler grand-daughter Sophie, is always a treat. Hubs and I had fun for hours with her just last week while her parents went off to work a venue that made it difficult to have this very gregarious, bird trainer-in-training, stay in one place without getting distracted by other children and her…

Tucker & Tites…
Tucker & Tites…
/ June 27, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Daughts and her Hubs have an adorable dog called Titan. He’s a miniature schnauzer and very obedient. In fact he’s the best dog in the world. He now has a buddy who is a year old and if Tites is a miniature schnauzer, Tucker is a Toy. They were allowed to come over to our…

Daughts’ Daughts…
Daughts’ Daughts…
/ June 22, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Daughts is a Mum! Congratulations. There’s nothing more amazing in  life than your girl – child giving birth to her first baby which is a girl – child too. She’s a natural, not at all uptight. During her pregnancy she finished both her college semesters with A’s. Took her final when her brand new baby girl…

Early Walks…
Early Walks…
/ June 17, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Early in the morning is the only time to walk during the summer here in our little town of Weston, North of Dallas, Texas. Yes, the word Texas conjures up oil fields, vast lands stretching to the horizon, cattle, horses and rodeos, cowboys, dust and, at this time of year, shimmering roads and interminable heat…

The Mower and My Cats…
The Mower and My Cats…
/ June 10, 2021 0 COMMENTS

All my cats dislike the sound of the lawn mower.  They don’t mind if it’s far away down the field but when Hubs mows around the house, it gets too close for comfort. I don’t know where Callie goes, probably on the top shelf of my closet but I found evidence of Shad’s and Madge’s…

Awkward Moment…
Awkward Moment…
/ June 3, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Here is the cover of a date book on one of the teacher’s desks where I sub. I’ve been in plenty of situations like this over the years… When I worked it was office meetings or phone calls or dinner with a friend, back to back all day and evening, present and accounted for in…

Rolling Cash…
Rolling Cash…
/ May 28, 2021 0 COMMENTS

With the rainy season in full swing the stables at Grandalia Bend Farms on the corner of Weston Road and Rigsby Lane are perilous. As a two footed human I slip and slide in the clay-ey ruts and puddles, which reach my ankles and spill over into my short wellies…I must remember to wear my…