Daughts’ Daughts…

Daughts is a Mum!


There’s nothing more amazing in  life than your girl – child giving birth to her first baby which is a girl – child too.

She’s a natural, not at all uptight.


During her pregnancy she finished both her college semesters with A’s.

Took her final when her brand new baby girl was a mere one week and one day old.

She is my daughter through and through!

I’ve started so I’ll finish…

Not last but first…

Against all odds…

What kind of strength is that?

The strength of God of course!

‘Faith doesn’t make things easy it makes things possible.’ (Luke 1:37)

Just holding my grand-daughter takes me back 29 years!

I slipped into feeding her a bottle as if it had only been yesterday.  Her eyes glued to my face, her feet gently nudging my ribs, her little gulping noises.

Congratulations Daughts!

May your moments and hours and days ever be filled with the joy that surpasses all understanding.

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Billy Bullard

2021-08-25 15:49:14 Reply

Congrats to you all, sounds as if all went well. My best to Malia and my prayers continue for You ,and your Family


2021-08-25 21:10:55 Reply

Congratulations!! Blessings to all!

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