A Horse of Course…
A Horse of Course…
/ March 30, 2021 0 COMMENTS

I think I’ve achieved what I wanted to when I approached the owner of Grandalia Bend Farms on Rigsby Lane to ask if I could help around her horse barn. I’d always dreamed that one day a horse would whinny at me and come over  to be petted.  I wanted to be as comfortable around…

Baby Shower Time…
Baby Shower Time…
/ March 23, 2021 0 COMMENTS

On Sunday Hubs and I threw a baby shower for Olivia Grace, due April 26th. Daughts and her Hubs attended with her since she’s in vitro for five more weeks. However, thanks to a sonogram we already know what she looks like, which is quite ethereal, or more precisely, 5D! I had plenty of time…

An Hapless Intruder…
An Hapless Intruder…
/ March 16, 2021 0 COMMENTS

When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is patter into the cat room to feed the waiting herd. Callie is always on the dryer, – oh, by the way, did I mention they let me share their room with my washer and dryer?- Shadow on his book shelf and Magic…

Day Four of Winter Weather…
Day Four of Winter Weather…
/ March 12, 2021 0 COMMENTS

By now we were were on a roll. It was day four of winter weather and the temperatures were still dropping; not an above teens forecast in sight. I still walked, it was fun to tramp around on crunchy snow in my wellies. Our front forty was looking quite desolate, the sky absolutely matching the…

Back Yard Birds…
/ March 5, 2021 0 COMMENTS

My son and his wife are founders of a bird company that trains and shows native birds of prey that for one reason or another cannot survive on their own in the wild. Window to the Wild is an educational venture that teaches everyone they come in contact with, how to identify and appreciate the…

The Thaw…
The Thaw…
/ March 1, 2021 0 COMMENTS

After several days of freezing temperatures the mercury slowly began to rise reversing the snowy-spell that had be-fallen much of the south. At Footlights I noticed my holly bush had caught drops of water from the roof and they’d turned into icicles to adorn the evergreen. As the day moved on and crept to 33º…

Winter Weather-the Following Days…
Winter Weather-the Following Days…
/ February 24, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Daughts and her Hubs suffered from power outages and frozen pipes for the first three days of the winter storm. Fortunately they have a fireplace and plenty of wood… and an axe which he’d borrowed from his brother the week before to try out the handle before carving himself a custom one for his axe…

Ash Wednesday…
Ash Wednesday…
/ February 17, 2021 0 COMMENTS

Well, I caught Magic suitably marked, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” on this first day of Lent. I suspect he snagged a few moments in the fire-place while I wasn’t looking! He made me smile!

The Polar Vortex Hits Footlights…
The Polar Vortex Hits Footlights…
/ February 15, 2021 0 COMMENTS

It had been cold for a few weeks…in fact the horses were having a break from me because it was rainy, muddy and downright miserable.  Their water had to be broken into, their grass was dead and they were wearing blankets and coats.  The air was filled with their breath and the tears from their…

Hiding Again…
Hiding Again…
/ February 12, 2021 0 COMMENTS

While the storm blew in and our water pump heater/air-conditioner worked overtime to keep the frost off the inside of our windows, (whoops, somebody left the hose reel out…) Hubs and I batted around ideas for keeping the drafts out and the electricity bill within reach. “Packing blankets are cheap and we could drape them…