
I read somewhere today, while researching for my show, that we should comment on each other’s posts.

The few words of encouragement draws people in and perhaps spurs them on to comment too and then before you know it there are lots of comments and some good feelings going on for the blog and blogger.

With this in mind I hopped over to my favourite blog, after this one, called Who Says?! , written by my friend, Ann Dunnewold, Ph.D and spent a few minutes reading and commenting on her insightful and fabulous blog about self image and positive thinking.

I occassionally get a comment on my blog or bio on my Toginet page, and when I do I feel so…loved…is the only word.

So I hope you feel loved three times in a row tonight Ann!

Go and comment on a favourite blog today and start communicating with your fellow bloggers.  It’ll catch on and generate all kinds of traffic and boost egos left, right and centre.

I could do with an ego boost!  Couldn’t you?

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Sandy Fowler

2011-07-21 16:03:16 Reply

You are certainly adored Vivienne and you deserve to have an ego the size of a Hummer! So here is my comment to tell you what a wonderful job you do and to say thank you.

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