Filling Holes….

Going to the dentist is always a nerve wracking experience although now I am an adult I don’t have quite as much wrong as I used to.  Plus, the work usually doesn’t hurt.  They are very good, those people in white who wield all the power, at keeping the pain away, although there are some parts of my mouth that refuse to be numbed when my gums scream with tenderness after the third shot of novocaine hit home.

On Thursday I was called with news of a cancellation for my check up and clean.  My original appointment had been quite some time away in the nether reaches of next year and this one rushed right up and hit me in the jaw that afternoon.

My cleaning was okay except that my hygienist noticed a crack in one of my ancient fillings.

What does she know?

I had noticed my flossing ability had ground to a halt that morning when I found the space between my teeth was no longer passable.  I put it down to rapid movement of my molars.

My dentist confirmed the hole and told me he couldn’t just polyfiller it so I am stuck with an appointment for a new filling after the holidays.  No hard candy or Laffy taffy for me this festive season.

Please pray I don’t get the sixpence hidden inside the Christmas pudding, this evening!


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