Hubs found a lovely garden decoration at a nursery somewhere and photographed it.
“Wouldn’t this look good on one of our walls?” he asked. “Not the word ‘welcome’ but ‘Footlights’? Possibly above an entryway?”
That’s what I love about Hubs, he can see beyond the woods and has an eye for the fanciful!
We immediately agreed that a brightly covered metal sign, crafted possibly by our forger son, may be just what we needed to hang over the bright yellow front door at Footlights.
We asked Simon what he thought and he began firing and hammering…
“Wow!” I texted him, “perfect!”
He continued forging the letters sending us updates as he progressed,
until he had completed all the letters,
We collected them from him and began considering how we were going to wrap them with fabric to achieve the whimsy..
We set out on a trip to the fabric store where we could buy remnants…
on the way we passed an arts and crafts shop and popped in for some ideas.
We looked at rolls of narrow ribbon,
and then came across some slightly sticky crafting tape by Washi.
It was beautiful and came in packs of a dozen rolls of differing widths, or a box of 45 with multiple, attractive colours and patterns.
“Let’s ask someone if they’ve ever used this,” I suggested, but there wasn’t a salesperson in sight. I spotted a young Mum browsing with her youngster,
“Hello,” I said, “have you ever used this tape in your craft projects?”
She looked at me and quickly deciphered my English accent and nodded,
“Yes, I have.”
“Is it easy to work with?”
“It’s not very sticky but I’ve used it on envelopes and cards successfully.”
“We’re planning on wrapping something with it.”
“That should be all right, as I said, it’s not very sticky so it can be adjusted easily.”
We were sold!
Home we went to begin the project.
I don’t know what I was doing while Hubs was twisting and winding, all I know is I only managed to have a say on two of the letters, the ‘l’ and the ‘i’.
He was completely engrossed in the creativity and took breaks from his computer to let his inner artist express itself.
We sent regular updates to our metal working son,“Cool!” he texted.
The tape worked well and the ribbon co-operated with hot glue. After each letter Hubs smothered it with elmer’s glue that dried to an attractive clear finish,
a hedge against unravelling.
When it was done Hubs mounted each letter on re-purposed fence pickets, which he had painted white, then hung it above our door.
The ‘f’ is a bit off and needs another stabilizing pin but all in all it’s beautiful don’t you think?
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