Sometimes the Grass is Not Greener…

I love photographing the cows in our surrounding fields.

I am reminded of walks taken with my paternal grandmother in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire,  where my brother and I would be sent on holidays to give my parents a break.

We would traipse across the farmers’ fields (we could in England) clambering over the styles and closing the gates behind us; ramblers had the right of way across the land as long as we didn’t let the cattle or sheep out or trample the crops.

We’d invariably set up our tablecloth and picnic basket alongside a cow patty but, rather like the pesky flies and wasps, it was all part of the charm of taking afternoon tea outside.

Some of the bulls in the field I walk past here in Weston don’t look as though they’d take too kindly to a picnicking stranger in their midst!

Last week, just before it froze, I was passing a few dozen young cattle quietly grazing…as soon as they saw me they started walking in my direction thinking I was bringing them food.  They pushed and shoved their way to cluster at the very perimeter of the pasture trying to get as close to me as possible.

I stopped for a photo shoot and considered briefly what would happen if they leaned in just a little too enthusiastically and broke through the wire fencing?


I suspect they would have spilled out onto the road to nuzzle at the grain they were convinced I was hiding somewhere on my person for them…

…and trampling me in the process!

A few days later on our way home from the small town of Anna, where our favorite Chinese restaurant is, Hubs and I turned a corner and found two cows on our side of the fence.  They were not in the least bit happy about their separation from the rest of the herd…

They were skittish and kept running towards the road each time I made a move with my camera.

We called the county sheriff since it was dusk and we knew an accident was just waiting to happen.


For them, the grass was definitely not any greener!


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