Green Thoughts…

The Bromley council has decided to green up its act.

A few weeks ago we were sent notices through our letterboxes about food waste with ideas on alternative ways to deal with it other than just throwing it away.

Hard on the heels of this brightly coloured ideas pamphlet came a two gallon plastic caddie complete with logo and swing lid, delivered to my door.  In it were two packets of liners for my start up convenience.  Additional compostable liners can be purchased quite cheaply at the local library, I’m told, which is a walk and a half away, so there goes the convenience after a few weeks.  Copy cat bags, on sale closer, are less expensive but leak.

This recycling is becoming more about categorizing and less about green as people are tempted to balk at the separation guidelines.  I already have to keep cardboard from plastic and glass from tins, now I’m being asked to deal with food.

Remind me again, what goes in the ordinary rubbish?

Not every home has a compost heap so trying this city wide waste food collection to nourish a massive mound, rotting satisfyingly and productively, somewhere in Bromley, is commendable.

As a householder I would question the sanity of keeping food waste hanging around inside until pickup day.

Fortunately I’m a flat-holder and there is a larger, communal bin for me to throw my squishy compostable liners in when their stench threatens to overpower my sweet smelling dwelling.

This new scheme may work for some.

But for me, I already make a daily trek out to the perfectly functional compost heap we have going behind lovely, tall evergreens in our grounds.  On it I throw vegetable parings, egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds and fruit skins; I do not throw plate scrapings or items I no longer recognize in my fridge because Mr. & Mrs. Fox would set up permanent residence along with the rats and possibly decrease my popularity with the tax paying inhabitants of the property.

Should I consider using the little caddie provided by the council for this small contribution to Recycle for Bromley, or can I be excused for throwing something in the regular bins once in a while?

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