Saturday September 7th At Sea
We had a little rehearsal before lunch, it was just Norbi, Bori and me. We were all so tired that none of us spoke but got on with the work in hand.
At 330 we had a run and had to re-arrange all the numbers again, because Manu still isn’t able to dance.
I tried to get Anoushka to sign my paper for Mum and Dad to get on board, but I couldn’t find her. I hung around for a bit but no luck.
The shows went awesome, they didn’t start until 915pm a little later than usual. I was in every number again and mainly front and center too. Because Flavia, the dancer I replaced, had worked for another ship before coming to Grand Mistral, she was given priority spots in the numbers and I inherited them! Good for me!
It was Brazilian Independence Day party in the staff mess.
I have been listening to John Mayer’s new CD. It makes me feel at home. I am really enjoying getting to know the songs.
Manu calls it ‘Malia’s home music’
The other day I was on deck 7 forward and some spots had just been painted. I saw some wet patches so obviously I didn’t step in them. But when I went to move I was stuck. It was as if I had stepped in super glue.
Sunday September 8th Le Havre, France
I went upstairs with Bori and Silvia and had a delicious hamburger for lunch. Mmmmm. The restaurant reminded me of iHop inside so we sat outside.
I went out on my own because no one wanted to leave his or her bed today. I caught a shuttle bus to the shopping center, the actual city center was closed because it’s Sunday. I was able to get on Wifi, do some shopping and avoid these huge French seagulls,
I waited almost an hour for the bus back to the port and I really needed to be on board. In the end I had to get someone to call me a taxi. Then of course, he didn’t take a debit card so he had to stop at a cash point and I withdrew some money. I looked all cool rolling up to the ship in a BMW.
Haha everyone thought, ‘oh that American girl, always showing off!’
Manuella and I cleaned our cabin, with the housekeeper’s cleaning things. I did the bathroom while she vacuumed and dusted. It’s very shiny-new now! No more hair on the carpet…until tomorrow.
For dinner I had scrummy minestrone soup followed by a cappuccino in the crew bar.
Because of the stormy seas and bad weather a security officer came to close our port hole the other day.
It’s been closed for 3 days now so Manu and I said, ‘ENOUGH WITH THE DARK!!’ and we used brute force to open it up again. Ahhh sunlight!
Manu is not allowed out of our cabin because she isn’t doing any of the shows. This seems stupid to me! But if she is seen in the hallways she is told,
“You can walk, you can dance!” Not the same thing at all!
I managed to persuade her to come with me to the crew bar later, after the shows. The Ukrainians told Era that it was the Captain’s birthday so all the drinks were free. She went up to the bartender and asked if she could have a drink and he charged her. She argued with him that it was the captain’s birthday so she didn’t need to pay. It was sooooo funny!!
We went to watch Javier sing upstairs, Manuella ate a tomato that she said was, succulent. She amazes me, she doesn’t know many English words, but succulent she knows!
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